Day Fishing
Spring Chinook Salmon
“Springers” are the most sought-after salmon species nearly everywhere. These very special salmon begin their journey upriver in February and can be fished for until early August. On most rivers, April, May, and June are the peak months for Springers. Oregon has many rivers with Spring Chinook runs. We fish on two of the rivers with the strongest runs in Oregon – the Columbia and Willamette rivers.
We fish from a 26′ River Wild sled specially designed for running in open water and for trolling. This boat is very comfortable with good seats with armrests, a windshield and a top in the event of inclement weather. This boat can accommodate 6 anglers easily; however, 4 anglers is perfect.
Springers can be challenging to catch but are the most desirable, and they are without question the best table fare of all the salmon species.

2024 Spring Chinook Dates and Rates
The weather is a big question sometimes in Oregon. Below is a link to what the current weather is in this area.

“Without question, a spring Chinook is the most difficult salmon there is to catch. Spring salmon are also the best eating by tenfold. I make my living guiding but I always fish a couple of days a season in hopes of putting a Springer on my table.”
—Craig Hughson, Owner